Digital marketing: there’s a lot to it, isn’t there? First, there’s your website and branding, then social media content, edms, seo and online advertising. It may seem like a never-ending pipeline of platforms to be across, and to be fair, there kind of is – which does leave room for error when you’re time-poor and under-resourced.
And that’s ok! For this reason, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 mistakes businesses – big and small – are making online, to give you some guidance on how to improve your digital presence and get more customers knocking on your (digital) door.
1. Not being prepared to use social media as it’s intended
Social media is an incredible marketing platform (why do you think we’ve built our entire agency around it? 😉 ). You have the power to build a community and speak directly with them. But, let’s not forget what social media is about: two-way communication (not one-way direct selling). Think of it as a virtual networking event – you wouldn’t try to sell your products or services at a face-to-face event without having a friendly chat with someone first, would you? By being truly social; asking questions, listening and genuinely engaging, you will build trust with your audience, garner feedback in real-time, and establish lifelong brand fans.
2. Not putting their money where their mouth is
The days of solely organic are over red rover! The interwebz is a flooded space. If you want to stand out, it’s true that you’ve got to pay to play and prioritise both organic and boosted posts/ads. Investing in (correctly targeted) social media and search ads can help you connect with people in your target audience, improve your reach, and build brand awareness. The result? Generating more click throughs to your website, email sign ups etc to ultimately bring in more business. The more you put in, the more you get out. It’s a win-win. Need help with how to run ads online? Hit us up!
There’s never been a better time to evolve your social media strategy and do things better!
"The simple things can make the biggest difference!"
3. Handballing social media to the intern
Handballing digital tasks to the intern, work experience kid, or friend of a friend’s son, is never a good idea. They may be young and know their way around social media, but do they know the ins and outs of your brand and the strategic intel required to make each platform work effectively for you? Can they be trusted to act as your brand’s voice and gatekeeper? Do they have a plan in place, or are they posting on the fly? Social media is your digital shopfront. You want to ensure it’s in safe hands with someone who understands your brand, business and marketing goals, and knows how to drive conversions.
4. Ignoring simple techniques to get found online
All too often, we see businesses not following simple steps to maximise their chance of being seen online. We’re talking about hashtags, geotags, and engagement on social media. It’s often the simple things that can make a world of difference. Not sure if you’re doing it right? At MadeGreat we can help give you a step-by-step strategy to get noticed.
5. Overlooking tone of voice
Your business may have a pretty exterior (slick website and logo) but does it have the personality to match? Many businesses forget to define their tone of voice, which results in bland, stale copy that isn’t uniquely you and does you no favours. All your written materials (including your social media captions) need to have a consistent tone of voice, which not just reflect your subtle brand messages but make you memorable also.
6. No clear call to action
When the inbox is empty and the phone has been quiet, it may be time to check over your call to actions across your website and social media channels (your bio and captions), and assess whether a) you have call to actions in the first place and b) whether they’re clear and effective. It’s ok to ask for a sale on social media, just so long as it’s not just what you always do.
7. Inconsistent posting
Ever have one of those weeks where you’re feeling energised and pump out 5 posts in a row!? But then days, weeks, (gasp) a month goes by and…nothing…crickets? Inconsistent posting is one of the biggest social media faux pas. It’s better to post twice a week consistently then leave your audience hanging. You need to consistently show up to stay front of mind with your audience. One of the most common reasons organisations outsource their social media is because their teams are under-resourced and simply don’t have time to prioritise their socials. Sound familiar?
Your visual content is one of the most important elements of your online brand.
8. Not establishing a strong visual brand
Your visual content is one of the most important elements of your online brand. But it doesn’t extend to just your logo – it’s the photographs you use, colours, and graphics. One of the biggest mistakes brands make is not investing in professional, high-quality visual content, or only investing in one portion of it. While stock images at times have their place, it’s always best to use original images that will make your brand pop (by name, and nature ;)) and stand out from the crowd!
9. Not updating your website regularly
When was the last time you updated your website? Now, be honest, was it months or years ago? A hot little tip: your website should be updated frequently to reflect your business growth, as well as to improve your seo. Google likes websites that are consistently updated with fresh content. Your customers do too!
10. Not asking customers for reviews
Does your competitor have hundreds of google reviews, but you only have a handful? If you don’t ask, you don’t receive. It’s completely acceptable to ask your customers to leave reviews on your facebook or google my business pages. You can add a link in your email signature, casually mention it in your communication with them, or include a call to action in your marketing material. Having positive reviews will build trust and credibility for your brand. Social proof is everything!
Need help with building an online presence that pops?
Contact our director, Kate, for all your Melbourne marketing needs!